Martin Chemnitz Press

Friday, November 6, 2020

Alec Satin's Print Books and Free PDFs

Abraham Lincoln address by Watterson

Henry Watterson's address about Lincoln is the latest printed book from the Lutheran Librarian (print books) and also in the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry (free PDFs). This is only $3.95 printed.

Lutheran Librarian Print Books, Amazon - Author's Page Link
- 83+ books


Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry Website - 267+ works - Searchable

Compendium of Lutheran Theology

Schmauk and Krauth are my favorites in fighting for Luther's Biblical theology in their age of Calvinists pretending to be Lutherans - not only in the Missouri Synod but also in their counterparts from the General Synod split. 

The General Council rejected the revivalism and Calvinism of the General Synod.

Now we have the same thing in the new LCMS-ELS-WELS union, purring and drooling over Objective Justification, which is little different from ELCA's. But they are joined at the wallet anyway, with all their covert work through Thrivent's pro-abortion money machine.

Compendium of Lutheran Theology

Schmauk's work was the swan song of the General Council, a beautiful work before the successful work of his group and seminary led to the loosey goosey United Lutheran Church in America merger of 1918.