Martin Chemnitz Press

Friday, January 29, 2016

Lutheran Resources - Martin Luther Sermons, Book of Concord Selections, Martin Chemnitz Press, Pastor Paul Rydecki Publications

Luther's Sermons, Book of Concord selections,Lutheran books, Free PDFs, Pastor Paul Rydecki Publications,Martin Chemnitz Press.

Lutheran Resources - Posted on Ichabod

Melanchthon's Book of Concord Work

The Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord

Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord


Martin Luther

Luther - Sermons  - Lenker Edition

Luther - Small Catechism, Book of Concord

Luther - Large Catechism, Book of Concord

Luther - The Smalcald Articles, Book of Concord

Luther - Galatians Commentary, Recommended by the Formula of Concord

Luther - Preface to Romans - Also Called - Introduction to the Romans Commentary


F. Bente's Historical Introductions

Complete Text of Bente's Historical Introductions in One File


The Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration


Martin Chemnitz Press Books - Free PDF downloads

Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure

Jesus Priceless Treasure

Angel Joy

The Story of Jesus in Pictures, In Color

Coloring Book - The Story of Jesus in Pictures

Luther versus the UOJ Pietists: Justification by Faith 

Jesus Lord of Creation 

The Wormhaven Gardening Book 

Thy Strong Word - English only edition 

Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant 

Discussion Guide for Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant

College Students - Tips for Success

Moline High School 1966 - The Class the Stars Fell On

To Order from

Purchase MCP printed books from here


F. W. Stellhorn's family came across the Atlantic with the Bishop Stephan migration.
L. Fuerbringer mentions him as a Missouri Synod teacher in his memoirs.

From Bruce Church - The Error of Missouri and Lutheran Seminary Costs

Various Formats - The Error of Missouri


H. Schmid - Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

Text Version of Doctrinal Theology - Perfect for Copy and Paste

HTML Version of Doctrinal Theology - Webpage friendly

Another PDF of Doctrinal Theology


This is a zipped folder of all the hymn texts from The Lutheran Hymnal - from the Wittenberg Project

Here are Lutheran Reformation hymn resources.


Order from Amazon.


Project Wittenberg - Texts about Luther and Other Lutherans


Pastor Paul Rydecki is actively translating essential Lutheran materials.
Check out the link below.
Pastor Paul Rydecki's books and links to his stand on justification by faith are here.