Martin Chemnitz Press

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another Sale at
30% Off Until Feb 19th

I just ordered some books on the current free shipping sale.

This new one appeared in email, so I ordered more at 30% off.

The banner ads do not cut into my revenue. Lulu offers the reductions to encourage new customers. Like many, I wait for the next offer to come along.

Free Martin Chemnitz Press PDFs are here, so you can look over each title first.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Stay Tuned for Sales.
Use the Page To Check for the Latest

California thought she was cutting into my profits by waiting for book sales. All these banners from are their discounts. They do not affect me at all. I offer the 100% discount for free PDFs. And many books are listed far below the normal price.

I like free shipping especially, because I place larger orders from time to time.

It works great. Fill out the order and pick the shipping desired. Put in the code for that banner, "flightless" in this case. Press update. The discount will be taken off the total. I learned last night that some discounts kick in regardless. I thought I had to buy two at once for the previous discount, but Lulu took off a few dollars because I had the code in. Software can be so subtle.

Lately, one sale will start as soon as the other one ends. Go to the main Lulu page to be sure.

Many new projects are started, each one to be printed, but also published as an e-book as well.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Martin Chemnitz Press - Free PDF Downloads

Gregory the Theologian
Amazon Author Page for Gregory L. Jackson - print copies.

Amazon Author Page for Alec Satin - print copies of many Lutheran classic books - very low price.

All Bethany Media Ministries

This will be the file for free PDF downloads. I will update them as editions (like Justification) are improved.

The software is from Dropbox, which is free. You do not have to have it downloaded, but if you want to know about Dropbox and get invited to join, contact me at my email address =

The files are in a public folder, so I link each file and anyone can save and read the file. Publishing firms with millions of dollars will not do this.

Monday, February 6, 2012

A New Sale

Place the code word in the window at the bottom of the order, update the order, and the discount will apply.

Each sale only works once, but these sales keep appearing. Go to the main page to find the graphic. I will try to keep up with them.

This is where to order the books. PDF downloads are free.